0 Bathroom 0 Reception
Land - Freehold
1 Photo
*Productive Block of Arable& Grassland* 22 Hectares (54.36 Acres) * For Sale by Informal Tender
A Productive block of land contained within a ring fence and capable of growing above average yields of combinable/grass crops. The land amounts to approximately 22 Hectares (54.36 Acres) with access both from Lound Hall Road, Bevercotes and from Main Street Milton.
The land is situated to the north east of Bevercotes and to the west of Milton. The land is close to the nearby towns of Retford, Newark and Lincoln.
7021 3.8 9.39 Arable
8541 6.63 16.38 Arable
0561 3.71 9.17 Arable
1646 7.86 19.42 Grass
TOTAL 22 54.36
Land Grade
The land is classified as Grade 3
All interested parties should check with service providers as to the availability of services.
Basic Payment Scheme
The land is being sold without BPS Entitlements.
Sporting Rights, Timber & Mineral Rights
All rights are included within the sale.
We are advised by the vendor that there is an abstraction licence for 2 million gallons purchasers are asked to make their own enquiries.
Method of Sale
The land is offered for sale as a Whole or in Parts by Informal tender. Tenders are to be received at the Agent’s office by 12 noon on Friday 1st March 2024.
The property is sold Freehold with Vacant Possession.
Tenantright will be payable in addition to the purchase price where crops are drilled prior to completion.
Plans, Areas & Schedules
These have been provided from Ordnance Survey data and have been produced as accurately as possible from 1:2500 scale sheets. These are published for convenience and whilst they are believed to be accurate this is not guaranteed, nor will they form part of any contract sale plan.
VAT will not be chargeable on the sale.
At any reasonable time whilst in possession of a set of sales particulars.
Easements & Rights of Way
The land is to be sold subject to and with benefit of all rights of way whether private or public, drainage, water, electricity and any other rights, easements, wayleaves etc whether referred to or not in these particulars.
Partner Agent
Silcock & Partners
Contact:- Tim Silcock MRICS
01777 717559 / 07964977724
Roythornes Ltd, Enterprise Way Pinchbeck, Spalding, Lincs
Contact:- Simeon Disley
01775 842526
Reference: LIM1001485
These particulars are intended to give a fair description of the property but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed, and they do not constitute an offer of contract. Intending purchasers must rely on their own inspection of the property. None of the above appliances/services have been tested by ourselves. We recommend purchasers arrange for a qualified person to check all appliances/services before legal commitment.
Contact Lime Living for more details
Unit 11, The Glass Yard, Chesterfield, S41 8LF | 01246 275559 | info@limeliving.co.uk